Awesome Yoga

About Chris Robins

Awesome Yoga is owned by Chris Robins. Chris has been practicing and studying Yoga for over 40 years and teaching Iyengar Yoga for 40 + years

He initially started training with the British Wheel of Yoga and Iyengar Yoga, after a short period followed the Iyengar path only.

He is currently a Senior Remedial Iyengar Teacher (Level 3) and Mentor. He has attended intensives at the Iyengar Institute in Pune.

Chris is a Professional “Remedial / Sports” Therapist trained to a high standard.

Chris provides the following treatment’s – Remedial Massage Therapy, Sports Therapies, Therapeutic Massage, Posture Analysis, NMT (Neuromuscular Massage Therapy), Deep Tissue, Lower Back & Sciatica treatment, Shoulder & Neck release treatments, Myofascial Release treatment, Release of Hips and Shoulder articulation massage (for frozen Shoulder), Sport Injuries, Rotor Cuff injuries, India Head Massage, Warm Bamboo Massage, Thai Foot Massage, Treatments in Pregnancy and Childbirth, Hot Stone Therapy, Advanced Massage Techniques, Flossing Techniques, etc, etc.


Yoga in Cardiff, Newport and Swansea




Chris teaches mixed ability classes in Cardiff, Swansea  and Newport – Introduction, Beginners, General, Levels 1 and 2, Intermediate, Remedial and Private classes for people with physical difficulties or injuries.

Chris’s passions outside the world of yoga is Hangliding up in the Welsh mountains “breathtaking” or out Mountain biking anywhere in Wales best on a sunny day “nice to be alive”.

Contact Chris


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